Whatsoever is expedient unto thee, O World, is expedient unto me; nothing can either be unseasonable unto me, or out of date, which unto thee is seasonable. Whatsoever thy seasons bear, shall ever by me be esteemed as happy fruit, and increase. O Nature! from thee are all things, in thee all things subsist, and to thee all tend. Could he say of Athens, thou lovely city of Cecrops; and shalt not thou say of the world, thou lovely city of God?
Month: November 2018
“Meditations” Book III: Passage XIV
As physicians and chirurgeons have always their instruments ready at hand for all sudden cures; so have thou always thy dogmata in a readiness for the knowledge of things, both divine and human: and whatsoever thou dost, even in the smallest things that thou dost, thou must ever remember that mutual relation, and connection that is between these two things divine, and things human. For without relation unto God, thou shalt never speed in any worldly actions; nor on the other side in any divine, without some respect had to things human.
Analyzing Lebron’s First Season in LA (21.95% complete)
Let’s look at Lebron’s numbers since his last year in Miami (age 29 season).
After Lebron left Miami, his PER and efficiency as a player in Cleveland was decidedly not as good up until last season.
Last season (Lebron’s age 33 season) Lebron had a resurgence. Maybe he was mentally preparing himself for the departure from Cleveland for the second time?
Whatever the case, Lebron’s age 33 season was far better than his age 30-32 seasons with Cleveland, when we use PER as our primary measuring metric.
But this season is just as good as Lebron’s age 33 season so far and definitely has the potential to be even better.
Lebron is averaging a career high in 3PA’s at 5.9 per game and is shooting 39%.
Lebron is shooting the 3-ball the best he ever has in his career. If he keeps averaging a career high in attempts and shooting almost 40% from beyond the arc, his game has the potential to go up another notch still!
The question remains though, turning 34 in December, having played in the NBA since age 18, how much longer will Lebron remain at the top of his game?
At this point in time, no signs of slowing down.

stats above provided by: https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/j/jamesle01.html