Napoleon Hill

One of the major differences between men who make valuable contributions to mankind and those who merely take up space in the world, is mainly a difference in egos, because the ego is the driving force behind all forms of human action.

Liberty and freedom of body and mind—the two major desires of all people—are available in exact proportion to the development and use one makes of the ego.

Every person who has properly related himself to his own ego has both liberty and freedom in whatever proportions he desires.

A man’s ego determines the manner in which he relates himself to all other people.

More important than this, it determines the policy under which a man relates his own body and mind, wherein is patterned every hope, aim and purpose by which he fixes his destiny in life.

A man’s ego is his greatest asset or his greatest liability, according to the way he relates himself to it. The ego is the sum total of one’s thought habits which have been fastened upon him through the automatic operation of the law of Cosmic Habitforce.

Every highly successful person possesses a well-developed and highly disciplined ego, but there is a third factor associated with the ego which determines its potency for good or evil—the self-control necessary to enable one to transmute its power into any desired purpose.

Napoleon Hill

The mechanism of the mind is a profound system of organized power which can be released only by one means, and that is by strict self-discipline.

The mind that is properly disciplined and directed to definite ends is an irresistible power that recognizes no such reality as permanent defeat.

It organizes defeat and converts it into victory; makes stepping-stones of stumbling-blocks; hitches its wagon to a star and uses the forces of the universe to carry it within easy grasp of its every desire.

Napoleon Hill

One must remove himself from the range of influence of every person and every circumstance which has even a slight tendency to cause him to feel inferior or incapable of attaining the object of his purpose.

Positive egos do not grow in negative environments. On this point there can be no excuse for a compromise, and failure to observe it will prove fatal to the chances of success.

The line must be so clearly drawn between a man and those who exercise any form of negative influence over him that he closes the door tightly against every such person, no matter what previous ties of friendship or obligation or blood relationship may have existed between them.

Napoleon Hill

All riches, of whatsoever nature, begin as a state of mind; and let us remember that a state of mind is the one and only thing over which any person has complete, unchallenged right of control.

It is highly significant that the Creator provided man with control over nothing except the power to shape his own thoughts and the privilege of fitting them to any pattern of his choice.